I love the excitement of New Year's Eve! I love staying awake until midnight, watching the Time's Square ball drop in New York City, the countdown, and the big "Happy NEW YEAR" yell. Without the fireworks, confetti, and noisemakers New Year's Eve probably would be a bit boring but there's another reason why I love it so much. It feels like a second chance every new year! And seriously, who doesn't love having a second chance?
So, how excited are you for 2022? Do you believe this will be the best year yet? Are you ready to go? Wherever you are in this process, there are three questions that Ray Popham taught me from the John Maxwell Team that I believe will help you review your previous year while jumpstarting your new year! They are: 1.) What is life pushing up? 2.) What is life pushing out? 3.) What is life trying to push you toward? I love these questions because they make you think outside the box. Let's start with the first one - What is life pushing up? When you reflect on your previous year, do you find a reoccurring theme that pushes up into your thoughts? Think about your months, weeks, and then days - was there anything repetitive that comes to mind? This could be a word, phrase, an idea, or activity. Do you have any new desires such as hobbies, career, or life events like marriage or starting a family? Maybe you have found an interest in a new sport or extra-curricular activity. What is pushing up into your life and is this something you should be embracing this new year? Second, what is life pushing out? This is a great question to help you "let go." Do you have something in your life that you need to say goodbye to? Is there something that your heart no longer wants to do? What passions did you once have that you are no longer passionate about anymore? What about your commitments? This is really important to review especially as the new year begins. Don't continue to give your time, energy, and quite possibly money to something that you are not excited about when you could be giving to something that lights your soul on fire. What do you need to say "no" to so that you are able to say "yes" to something else? But that's not all, sometimes to achieve more in life, you have to make sacrifices. In John Maxwell's book 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership, he teaches that you've got to give up to go up. It's the law of sacrifice. What do you need to give up that will help you achieve a goal? Maybe it's less time on social media so that you have more study time? It could be that you spend less time watching TV so that you have more time to exercise. If you are wanting to advance your career, maybe you need to quit a hobby so that you can take an online course. I don't know what it is for you, but I would be willing to bet that there is something holding you back from what you are really wanting out of life. What is it? What is life pushing out? Lastly, what is life trying to push you toward? This is a fun question to ask the people you trust the most in your inner circle. Sometimes we have blind spots. Maybe you looked in your rearview mirror, you checked your side mirrors, and even turned your head but still didn't see that car coming! It happens. What is something that people tell you to think about doing or something they think you should do more often? It just might be something worth looking into especially if it is in alignment with your life purpose. This one can be tricky though and as a woman of faith, I feel that it is important that you pray over the suggestions you receive. Just because someone thinks you should, doesn't always mean that you actually should. So, there you have it! I just shared with you three questions to help you take control over your new year. I heard Christine Cain say once in a leadership seminar, "Healthy things grow and growing things change, and changing things changes things." So, don't be afraid of change! If you want your new year to be different from last year it will require some change! I want to encourage you to spend time this week reflecting on these questions to help you jumpstart your year. I pray that these questions help grow you into the person you are intended to be and the life you are intended to have. Happy New Year!
1 Comment
Courtney Smith
1/21/2022 09:14:45 am
What 3 great questions for me to reflect on. I loved reading your blog and am happy that you explained in detailed what each question means. I feel like I know what life is trying to push me towards but after I read your blog I added so much more of what I think life is positing me towards and hope I can see growth and changes within 2022.
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